Hair Transplantation

Welcome to our Hair Transplantation Services

At our clinic, we utilize advanced techniques in hair transplantation to deliver exceptional results, even in the most challenging cases such as eyebrows, beard, mustache, and scarred areas.

Our preferred technique, Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), involves extracting hair from the donor area of the scalp using a small punch. Unlike traditional methods, FUE leaves no linear scar but only small white points that are easily covered with hair 1 mm or longer. These extracted hairs are meticulously prepared and reintroduced into balding areas as micrografts. Dr. Touma specializes in micrografting, ensuring the most natural and undetectable hairline. The entire procedure is performed under local anesthesia, resulting in minimal discomfort post-surgery. For most individuals, one or two sessions are sufficient. Dr. Touma’s work is recognized for its signature natural-looking hairline, offering results that last a lifetime.

For those who prefer the traditional approach, we also offer the Strip technique, which involves removing a strip of hair-bearing skin from the donor site. This strip is carefully closed with sutures, resulting in a thin line covered by hair 3 mm or longer. Women and men with long hair may opt for strip hair implants to avoid shaving their hair beforehand.

Additionally, we provide the No Shave FUE technique, allowing patients to undergo FUE without a shaved head. Small  areas of the scalp are shaved  and strategically scattered throughout the donor area for FUE extraction . These are easily covered by the unshaved hair.. This technique can extract up to 800-1000 grafts, suitable for smaller transplant cases. For larger cases, the No Shave FUE technique can be repeated over time to achieve a significant number of transplanted hairs.

Choose the Right Hair Restoration Specialist!

We understand that many hair transplantation centers may offer enticingly low fees; however, patients often return disappointed with poor results, such as incorrect hairline placement or a “transplanted look.” These outcomes can result from subpar techniques or the excessive removal of grafts, leading to visible hair loss in the donor area. A hair transplant is a lifelong decision, and it is crucial to choose a skilled specialist who can deliver natural and long-lasting results.

At our clinic, Dr. Touma not only excels in the technical and medical aspects of personalized hair restoration but also possesses a remarkable sense of elegance. Our fees are reasonable compared to other world-class practices, ensuring you receive the highest quality treatment at a fair cost. Our patients often achieve such natural-looking results that even hair transplant surgeons cannot detect any previous work performed. Trust us to restore your hair the right way, the first time.

Take the first step towards regaining your confidence with our exceptional hair transplantation services. Contact us today for a consultation.


1. Am I a good candidate for hair transplant?

Anyone who has experienced permanent hair loss can be a candidate for hair restoration surgery. This includes men with male pattern baldness, females with female pattern thinning, people with scars on their head, and people who want to densify their eyebrows, eyelashes or beard.
The best candidates are those with dense hair in the back and side of the scalp.

2. How many sessions are typically required?

The number of sessions will depend on the degree of balding for the frontal or crown area. Typically, 1-3 procedures involving several hundred or up to 2000 or more grafts may be required to achieve the desired density. Our strip technique can provide up to 8500 hairs/session. Generally, people with curly hair may require less number of sessions than people with straight hair.

3. What should I expect during the surgery?

The Hair transplant procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. Patients are given a mild sedative, so they are awake but relaxed. Pain is minimal to non-existent during the procedure. In case of a strip removal, the donor area, where the permanent grafts are taken from, is closed with sutures that are removed in 10-14 days. With manual and robotic FUE, there are no sutures.

4. What should I expect after the surgery?

Hair transplantation is a very safe, relatively minor surgical procedure. Patients are provided with a mild analgesic to relieve any discomfort felt the night following the procedure. Patients may be asked to use moist compresses or sprays and to sleep in a semi-upright position for 2-3 days following the procedure to minimize swelling and bruising. Small crusts may form on each graft that can be camouflaged by any existing hair that can be combed over the recipient area.

These crusts will flake-off by 10-14 days after the surgery. Some of the transplanted hair seen above the scalp will initially be shed, however the roots will remain dormant for 6-12 weeks, at which time the new hairs will all begin to grow. Numbness that may occur in the donor or recipient area usually disappears in about 2 months following surgery.

5. Will I continue to lose my natural hair after a hair transplant?

Hair loss is a continual process so, yes, there is a chance that you will continue to lose more of your natural hair even after a hair transplant. While the transplanted hair will be permanent, there is some risk that a patient will continue to lose their natural hair.

6. How long will it be before I notice a difference after a hair transplant?
  1. You need to know that the positive benefits will not be visible immediately afterwards. In the first month immediately following a hair transplant, the new transplanted hair will fall out. This is nothing to worry about and is entirely normal. The important thing is that the new roots are bedded into the scalp. Over time the new hair will grow back again and most patients start to notice a difference around three to six months after a transplant. But it will be up to 12-18 months before the hair transplant will show its full results.


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